Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well.
If you intend to use any of our services in the 2020-21 school year, please re-register with us by Friday 29thMay. This applies to all our families (including new P1’s starting in August) and yes, it needs to be done every year! Here is the link:
Registration Form 2020-21 – Online form
At this moment in time, I know you may be unsure of your childcare requirements. However, it would be helpful if you could indicate what days you think you will need. Please bear in mind we still have a lengthy waiting list – particularly for mid-weekdays.
Also, we are awaiting details of how the ‘phased return’ will work in schools, and for new operating guidelines, so we are unsure if there will be any implications for our services. We will keep you informed of any developments.
In these unprecedented and uncertain times, it is impossible to predict what is going to happen, but we hope we can return to some sort of normality soon!
Please see our latest fees, terms and conditions for information and the school holiday/terms dates which may, given the current circumstances, be subject to change. Here are the links:
Fees Terms & Conditions 2020-21 – PDF
School Holiday and Term Dates 2020-21 – PDF
Please complete the registration form as soon as possible and by Friday 29thMay. Get in touch with us via or 0141 339 9526 if you have any queries or issues with the form.
Take care,
Best Wishes
Fiona Ansdell
General Manager
0141 339 9526